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About Me and the Website


Hello and you may be wondering who I am, well I'm just a typical-antisocially-awkward-teenager. I don't know why I exactly made this website but I did. I think I mainly did it to express my love for super heroes, super villians, anit heroes, anti villains, (and to maybe worship the creator of all things mighty and powerful, Stan Lee) who are in the Marvel universe (yes that's including Fox too).
I am not personally a DC fan as the movies are somewhat boring and drag on for like, 2 hours to like 5 minutes of fighting at the end of the movie before they kiss and make up (Batman Vs. Superman). I personally prefer the raccoon and tree with machine guns, and things kinda going boom boom right away.  I have a very short attention span- OH LOOK A BUTTERFLY! 
Anyway where are my manners? My name is Casey. I run things around this site, (HAH GET IT?) and I have set this to a blog posting website but I may change it later on if I cant get people to also sign up and write and reply stuff on here... if I can figure it out.. HEY YOUTUBE I NEED YOUR HEEEELLPP!. 
*Clears throat* Sorry about that. I dont know if you can tell already but I am just a tad weird, but I mean being weird is a good thing because if you are weird then that makes you odd, and then being odd makes you number 1, or number 3.. or 5.. anyway!
I will be posting on here every chance I get as I post on my Tumblr and all of that kinda stuff. (If you haven't followed me already please do!). I have thought about creating a Facebook account but I don't have enough followers at the moment which sucks. (as of 26th of January 2018 I have a total of 73 followers.)

Anyway I'm sure you are sick of hearing me ramble on so I'm going to go and continue doing what I was doing. If you would like to get into contact with me please DM my Tumblr account.
Thanks! Please Enjoy!

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